01 settembre 2006
Avatar and Email-based Therapy

Il dr. Craig Kerley, in arte Kamenev - D. Craig Kerley, Psy.D. - Georgia Licensed Psychologist - dirige il Center for Positive Mental Health, che non esiste se non nella realtà virtuale di Second Life - Seconda Vita - un mondo online al quale si partecipa via internet. Il centro è rivolto soprattutto a chi soffre di fobia sociale e usa Seconda Vita come "La sola vita sociale possibile". Come ammesso dal direttore, l'obiettivo è non è fare terapia online, ma utilizzare il centro online per dare ai pazienti virtuali l'opportunità di muoversi con agio nella vita reale.
Milton Erickson, uno degli psicoterapeuti più in gamba della storia, era solito tenere il corpo come punto di riferimento, durante la psicoterapia, per ricondurre alla realtà naturale di sé i voli troppo alti e pericolosi della mente. Nell'aderenza al proprio corpo e nella relazione reale con gli altri i pazienti trovano la salvezza.
Second Life Avatar - Craig Kamenev
Second Life Group - Positive Mental Health
Second Life Location - Kkotsam 169, 182
D. Craig Kerley, Psy.D.Georgia Licensed Psychologist
What is Cybertherapy?
Cybertherapy is the use of computer technology to provide mental health services which are
qualitatively different than those provided in traditional in-person therapeutic experiences. In
cybertherapy, a mental health professional utilizes new forms of communication, made possible by
computer and internet technology; to offer services that until recently were not available. While this
approach is cutting-edge, it is based on the time-tested principles of the helping professions. However,
it provides the client with methods of seeking assistance that may either be uncomfortable or physically
impossible in traditional face-to-face therapeutic models.
While in-person psychotherapy is often the method of choice, the advantages of a cybertherapeutic
approach are unique and powerful. This approach can offer mental health services to those who have
limited choices in their geographical region, have limited time to drive to regular in-person
appointments, have limited mobility, and have limitations in their lifestyle that make traveling to a
brick and mortar office difficult...
The rate for Avatar-based Cybertherapy is L$27,000 or $90 US per 50 minute session.
Additionally, I provide 30 minute consultation sessions for L$13,500 or $45 US per 25 minute session.
Please keep in mind that payment must be received 24 hours prior to your appointment time, or the appointment will be cancelled.
Avatar Therapy
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