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Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet - Psicologia Online
ma anche la storia della psicologia italiana e mondiale in rete
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martedì 15 luglio 2008

Openlife Founders and Ethics in Opensource Grids (vs Lindens) and my Openlife Feed-Back

I just posted this message here:

Hello, I was an Openlife Founder, since 02/15/2008, at least untill this yesterday message, I got from

Your user account at Openlife Grid has been recently updated to restrict access to the following Openlife Role:

Role: Foundation Resident
Description: Openlife Foundation Resident Subscription.
These residents are Pioneers of the Openlife Grid owning a region of the mainland in the Foundation Resident Land Release.

Thank you, we appreciate your support...
Openlife Grid

What does it mean? I asked...

You probably received this email, as you are no longer hold a region in world. So it takes your Foundation Resident Status away...

That was the answer.

It's true! One month ago I paid my last 75$ (90+45+75 = 210$, now for a little, very little more, you become a true founder - for the same period !)

and I ABANDONED my region, Coffee/Campanella.

Yes, so, I didn't rent it, I didn't sell it. I consider myself someone that wanted to contribute to the foundation of an opensource grid, so...

My feed-back: Months of silence

About the big promises of the beguinning, about a lot of very good intentions expressed in so many posts on this forums (on how to use the grid, on how to share experiences, on how to let people walk, run, fly, sail too, from region to region), about the continuously updating of the servers, the web server included, (btw I tried 3 times to login here, today, before to success)

so about, also, how, when, and where to pay tiers!

No more mails, as at the beguinning, just some messages somewhere, or in the chat.


no mind if the grid was down, expecially when you'd like to show it to friends you spammed about in forums, blogs and emails (meantime, Lindens travel from LL to IBM opensource grid, maybe have they to book their visit some weeks before?)

no mind if, as a founder, I contributed, as many, many, many other to buy expensive hardware and pay hours and hours of (silent) work of the

no mind if also when I wrote about my difficulty to continue to support this grid that silent way, I didn't got any answer

no mind it the same happened when I decided to definitely abandon my region

no mind if now the same region is sold for a very smaller amount, and tiers too are smaller than before

no mind of a lot of other little details

No mind.

But, the meaning of the word founder (I'm not anglophone, but I have some dictionaries) should be 'a guy that contributed to found, at the beguinning, now and later in the future - the time is past)

So, what minds is that I'm very hurted that a short message can delete me as .. such!

If this is the ethics of an opensource grid, I'm very sorry that this could happen. Since I still believe to the strong role of the Open Source (and LL too, as everyone can read on their blogs :D )


my feed-back is of a great enthusiasm, I found here, a great respect for the creator and owner, and, also, an increasing big flop

of all of this.

Maybe the business is very fine, increasing and ok.

I'm not interested on.

So, maybe it's also better that my foundership will be soon forgotten. For ME, I mean.

Well, good bye to all people here :))

(I'll post this message on my 2 readers blog, )

Forgive my poor English :)

Bye :))))))))

Just an update: I'm reading today, August 5, 2008

lunedì 14 luglio 2008

HealthMap un nuovo servizio interattivo disponibile su Internet che mostra la diffusione delle epidemie

Google lancia HealthMap

Il nuovo servizio interattivo disponibile su Internet mostra la diffusione delle epidemie

La«cartina» di HealtMap (

WASHINGTON - Dopo Google Map, arriva HealthMap un nuovo servizio interattivo disponibile su Internet che mostra la diffusione delle epidemie. Si tratta di una mappa interattiva, creata da Google e da un gruppo di ricercatori del Boston Children's Hospital e dell'Università di Harvard. Il sistema è accessibile a tutti, è gratuito ed è stato descritto sulla prestigiosa rivista scientifica «opena access» Plos Medicine. HealthMap è stato creato con lo scopo di monitorare le emergenze e facilitarne la gestione.

LE FONTI - Il sistema raccoglie i dati da 14 fonti (che riassumono informazioni da più di 20 mila siti) ed è in contatto diretto con l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (Oms). La ricerca può essere effettuata per malattia, oppure per sintomo e aiutandosi con alcune parole chiave. Un software provvede anche ad eliminare automaticamente gli articoli con informazioni i ridondanti.

UTILITÀ- «Il Web può giocare un ruolo molto importante nella scoperta di nuove epidemie o nel monitoraggio di quelle già in corso», ha detto John Brownstein, responsabile del progetto. «Molte informazioni utili - ha continuato - possono essere ricavate dalla rete grazie a siti governativi, ma anche forum e blog». Da un primo utilizzo è risultato evidente come la frequenza di dati riguardanti alcune malattie sia direttamente proporzionale a una situazione economica instabile. Si sta cercando ora di migliorare il sistema in termini di copertura geografica, che per il momento arriva solo a livello di regione e stato. Il motore, inoltre, monitora e organizza i dati in tempo reale anche in zone geografiche poco coperte dai sistemi sanitari locali. Sarà però necessario sviluppare contatti con persone residenti nei luoghi meno 'nominatì in Rete, soprattutto in Africa e Sud America.

HealthMap In the News:

About HealthMap

HealthMap brings together disparate data sources to achieve a unified and comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health. This freely available Web site integrates outbreak data of varying reliability, ranging from news sources (such as Google News) to curated personal accounts (such as ProMED) to validated official alerts (such as World Health Organization). Through an automated text processing system, the data is aggregated by disease and displayed by location for user-friendly access to the original alert. HealthMap provides a jumping-off point for real-time information on emerging infectious diseases and has particular interest for public health officials and international travelers.

HealthMap Publications

HealthMap Presentations

Georeferencing Workshop at Harvard, March 21st 2008. View John's presentation in video format.
Forum One event Global Health and the Internet: How Can We Save More Lives? on Tuesday, November 13th 2007 (slides).
Institute of Medicine's workshop on Infectious Disease Surveillance and Detection December 12 - 13, 2006. View slides from John's presentation, in PDF format.

miELM, Topologie lacanienne, Topologia lacaniana

Il nous est intéressant de faciliter l'investigation en ce qui concerne la topologie lacanienne.

Pour cela nous racontons du premier livre qu'il est sorti avec ce sujet :
une présentation du sujet".

Le texte qui nous porte par tout le trajet de la topologie comme elle était articulée par Jacques Lacan dans ses 27 séminaires.

Ce texte guide est manuel d'étude et d'investigation pour tout amant de la psychanalyse et de ses découvertes.

Dans un groupe où nous accueillons chaque apport que vous pouvez faire pour le bienfait de l'apprentissage de tous, nous l'attendons.


Topologie lacanienne


Nos interesa facilitar la investigación en lo que se refiere a la topología lacaniana.

Para ello contamos con el primer libro que ha salido con este tema:
una presentación del sujeto.

Texto que nos lleva por todo el trayecto de la topología tal y como iba siendo articulada por Jacques Lacan en sus 27 seminarios.

Este texto guía es manual de estudio e investigación para todo amante del psicoanálisis y de sus descubrimientos.

En un grupo donde acogemos cada aporte que usted pueda hacer para el beneficio del aprendizaje de todos, lo esperamos.

En la foto, Jean-Paul GILSON, autor de nuestro texto guía.

Second Life
Quartier Lacan, Elegua (196, 164, 501)


  • 1958-07-10/13 La direction de la cure et les principes de son pouvoir

domenica 13 luglio 2008

Second Life offers healing. Therapeutic options for users

… A lot of altruism, free giving, plenty of warnings. Isn’t there any digital snake oil here? No fake therapists?

One in-world psychologist, Dr. Craig Kerley from Georgia, who was profiled on CBS’s “Early Show,” has hung his shingle for “cybertherapy” at $90 per hour. This work, he says, “can be valuable for those who have limited choices in their geographical region, have limited time to drive to regular in-person appointments, have limited mobility, and have limitations in their lifestyle that make traveling to a brick and mortar office difficult.”

Still, Dr. Peter Yellowlees, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at UC Davis and a specialist in virtual worlds, cautions about therapy in Second Life, even with professionals. He advises using it only as “a potential adjunct to face-to-face therapy,” and to “use passwords or other cues in Second Life to make sure you’re talking to the right person” - the real therapist, not scammers posing as one.

Yellowlees uses Second Life as a teaching tool, not for therapy. His Virtual Hallucinations sim gives “the lived experience of schizophrenia - to hear voices and see visions” so his students (and the rest of us) can “get inside the head, just a bit, of someone who’s psychotic.”

It certainly sparked empathy in me, much more richly than a mere clinical description of the disorder would have done.

Empathy: There’s that word again, an odd one to associate with impersonal bytes and modems, but the right one. Second Life is a hot, humming thing of wire and light, a “server” - spiritual teachers would like the metaphor - that can carry community and genuine human sympathy…

Cherilyn Parsons is a freelance writer and fundraising consultant to journalism organizations. E-mail her at

Sunday, July 13, 2008

lunedì 7 luglio 2008

Annual Visual Web Convention Leading the Thinking and Debate, London 9-10th 2008

**Visual Web**
Annual Visual Web Convention Leading the Thinking and Debate, London 9-10th 2008
**Visual Web**
(This is a RL conference, and will not be screened in SL)


The Visual Web Convention brings together 4 conferences all addressing the next-gen Web across virtual worlds, MMOs, casual games, web 2.0 & casual MMOs. You can book day passes or access-all-areas AAA VIP passes AND individual event passes on this site.


  • Registration opens from 9.45am both days

  • The convention opens at 9.45am and closes at 5.30pm both days

  • The free-to-access small expo and extra sessions are only available to conference delegates on the day of their pass.

  • You must have a minimum of a conference pass valid for the day to enter the Convention.

  • All conferences start at 10.30am sharp and close at 5pm

  • The Legal Clinic is just £39 + vat and has limited availability.

  • The Clinic, IP Pitching and Future Technologies Panel Sessions must be booked in advance to guarantee your place.

  • All sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis.

9th July

  • Academic Meets Industry Summit

  • Monetise Web 2.0 & Social Networks Conference

  • Additional sessions, including:

  • IP Pitching

  • Future Games Technologies Panel

10th July

  • Apply Serious Games Conference

  • Apply Virtual Worlds & MMOs Conference

  • Small expo and extra sessions, including:

  • Virtual Worlds & Serious Games Legal Clinic

  • Industry Consultations

There are additional FREE sessions to delegate pass-holders with passes valid on the day.

  • Booking : can be made here code on registering (with PayPal button through EventBrite) is HEALTHCARE

  • Full details are at the official website:

domenica 6 luglio 2008

Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama July 6th, 2008


Tokio, 6 lug. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - I leader del G8 sollevino la questione del Tibet durante i loro colloqui con il presidente cinese Hun Jintao al vertice che iniziera' domani in Giappone. E' l'appello rivolto da Mary Beth Markey, vice presidente della International campaign for Tibet che sottolinea che gli ultimi colloqui tra i funzionari cinesi ed i rappresentanti del Dalai Lama "chiaramente non hanno soddisfatto le richieste della comunita' internazionale".

Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama July 6th, 2008

We Wish You a Happy Birthday and Peace
From all the people at Potala Palace Virtual World

Potala Palace Virtual World will celebrate the Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and World Tibet Day at The Tibet Sim (Island) in SecondLife.Com July 6th, 2008

Photo by Wizard Gynoid

click for larger view
Back row L to R: Bhikkhu Kamachi, Wizard Gynoid, Shawn Mortlock
Front: Myriam Martinek

Potala Palace

The Potala Bowl - Performance Ar, Tibet (96, 65, 25)

Celebrate the Dalai Lama's birthday on Sunday, July 6th with:

11 am SLT Moxy Barracuda
3 pm SLT Big Rock Slade
4:30 pm SLT Azrihal Hax
6 pm SLT Jana Kyomoon

at the Tibet Sim. LM is attached.

Light and Love

venerdì 4 luglio 2008

Franck Poupeau. "Espace Pierre Bourdieu un hommage" en Second Life

Ce soir Vendredi 4 juillet, 21H30,

Espace Pierre Bourdieu un hommage

Ce soir Vendredi 4 juillet, 21H30,

Espace Pierre Bourdieu un hommage Paraiso/228/224

Espace Pierre Bourdieux

Intervention de Franck Poupeau sociologue, chercheur au Centre de Sociologie Européenne auteur de: Dominación y movilizaciones, Ferreyra Ed, 2007. Carnets boliviens (1999-2007), éds Aux lieux d’être, 2008. Le sens du placement. les enjeux de la carte scolaire, Ed Raisons d’Agir, 2008

Franck Poupeau - La Ideología de la opinión pública ( 1 )

(Aggiunto: 15 maggio 2008)

En este taller, el sociólogo francés Franck Poupeau desmonta las matrices del periodismo dominante, haciendo incapie en dos ideologías importantes del campo medíatico que son: la ideología de la opinion pública y la ideología de la libertad de prensa. Franck Poupeau nos explica porque la opinion pública no puede existir y como la libertad de prensa es una falsa libertad que sólo permite proteger los intereses de un sistema neoliberal.

mercoledì 2 luglio 2008

The Costs of a Virtual Psychotherapy in Second Life

01 settembre 2006

Avatar and Email-based Therapy

Il dr. Craig Kerley, in arte Kamenev - D. Craig Kerley, Psy.D. - Georgia Licensed Psychologist - dirige il Center for Positive Mental Health, che non esiste se non nella realtà virtuale di Second Life - Seconda Vita - un mondo online al quale si partecipa via internet. Il centro è rivolto soprattutto a chi soffre di fobia sociale e usa Seconda Vita come "La sola vita sociale possibile". Come ammesso dal direttore, l'obiettivo è non è fare terapia online, ma utilizzare il centro online per dare ai pazienti virtuali l'opportunità di muoversi con agio nella vita reale.
Milton Erickson, uno degli psicoterapeuti più in gamba della storia, era solito tenere il corpo come punto di riferimento, durante la psicoterapia, per ricondurre alla realtà naturale di sé i voli troppo alti e pericolosi della mente. Nell'aderenza al proprio corpo e nella relazione reale con gli altri i pazienti trovano la salvezza.


Second Life Avatar - Craig Kamenev
Second Life Group - Positive Mental Health
Second Life Location - Kkotsam 169, 182
D. Craig Kerley, Psy.D.Georgia Licensed Psychologist
What is Cybertherapy?

Cybertherapy is the use of computer technology to provide mental health services which are
qualitatively different than those provided in traditional in-person therapeutic experiences. In
cybertherapy, a mental health professional utilizes new forms of communication, made possible by
computer and internet technology; to offer services that until recently were not available. While this
approach is cutting-edge, it is based on the time-tested principles of the helping professions. However,
it provides the client with methods of seeking assistance that may either be uncomfortable or physically
impossible in traditional face-to-face therapeutic models.

While in-person psychotherapy is often the method of choice, the advantages of a cybertherapeutic
approach are unique and powerful. This approach can offer mental health services to those who have
limited choices in their geographical region, have limited time to drive to regular in-person
appointments, have limited mobility, and have limitations in their lifestyle that make traveling to a
brick and mortar office difficult...

The rate for Avatar-based Cybertherapy is L$27,000 or $90 US per 50 minute session.

Additionally, I provide 30 minute consultation sessions for L$13,500 or $45 US per 25 minute session.

Please keep in mind that payment must be received 24 hours prior to your appointment time, or the appointment will be cancelled.

Avatar Therapy

martedì 1 luglio 2008

Freudbot, a chatbot avatar designed to talk with people

About Freudbot

Freudbot is a chatbot avatar designed to talk with people about his life, his theories and the people he has known. Currently, Freudbot only recognizes English.

To speak with Freudbot, click on the ball labeled “Sit here to
talk to Freudbot” on the couch and type your questions and comments using the chat box, not the IM box

Freudbot accepts most natural language input but the following tips will help to increase the chances of receiving a satisfying response:
- Avoid spelling mistakes and typo’s.
- Avoid multiple sentences. Freudbot responds best to single sentence
- Avoid content outside of Freud’s area of expertise. Freudbot is a prototype that will learn and improve over time.

For more information about research being done with conversational agents at Athabasca University see

You can talk to Sigmund Freud as a Bot at Athabasca University in Second Life (175, 158, 249) (CANADA)
