Medical Training in Second Life
December 21, 2007
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We’ve covered the growing health training focus in virtual worlds, particularly Second Life.
For the health professional who’s wondering about how medical training would work, there’s an excellent overview here.
As a health professional myself, I can see the benefits an immersive environment would bring. It won’t ever beat poring over a cadaver in real life but it’s going to be a greatly superior complement to real life training.
Update: the student version of the British Medical Journal is also running an article on medical training in Second Life
Written by Lowell Cremorne · Filed Under Health
Virtual doctors - medical training in Second Life | | | |
Written by Bertalan Meskó | |
Wednesday, 19 December 2007 |
Attending medical school in virtual reality
Universities have been developing online learning facilities for doctors and medical students for many years. Now they are turning to the virtual world of Second Life, reports Daniel Stott
Hamish MacLeod, senior lecturer on the MSc in e-learning course at Edinburgh University explained, “I have had one or two inquiries about the masters course from prospective students who have made a point of visiting Holyrood Park [Edinburgh University’s Second Life campus] before getting in touch-a hint that Second Life can play a role in recruitment.”
How universities are using Second Life
The University of Nottingham is researching bullying. About 50 avatars have taken part in interviews monitored in Second Life by an occupational psychologist
The University of Plymouth and Thomas Jefferson University in the United States have developed a sex education zone featuring films about HIV and a stand with current sexual health news
Cornell University is conducting research into post-traumatic stress disorder, measuring the physiological responses of veterans of the Iraq war and previous Gulf war while participating in a virtual tour through a combat scenario
Imperial College, London, has a Second Life version of their real world Sir Alexander Fleming building, complete with teleport signs to the library and lecture theatres
Competing interests: None declared.
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; not externally peer reviewed.
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