by ZacharyJ Carter
July 24, 2007
NMC CAMPUS - What do teachers chat about when they are given an hour with an open mic? At Monday's New Media Consortium's Teacher's Buzz session, they talked about identity, clothing, appearance, sexuality, and furries...all in the span of one hour!
Small Italian firm makes huge investment in Second Life
by Fabio Medby
July 02, 2007
The map of Italia Vera (True Italy). Existing sims are blue.
The first seven sims can be seen on the Second Life map by searching for “piemonte”, the still closed Italian region with a reconstruction of the town of Torino. Torino will be the first one to open, on July 19. On the map, two other sims located near this group are Sicilia1 and Sicilia2. The goal of this project, called "Italia Vera", is to build a small but precise model of Italy on the sims’ lower layers, using satellite pictures, and all its regional capitals on the higher levels. Nearly 70,000 US dollars have already been spent, but the whole project will cost nearly 250,000 US dollars and will probably be finished in November, according to Basil Coage, the project leader.
The first one of these will be La città del sole, the Sun City, from the book Tommaso Campanella wrote in 1602.
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