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Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet
Psicologia Online

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Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet - Psicologia Online
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venerdì 14 marzo 2008

Humour and Second Life, Caffe Freud Sunday Meeting

Caffe’ Freud, Humour and Second Life

Caffe Freud at Elegua

This will be the suggested topic for our Sunday Meeting at Elegua (9am SLT, 17 Rome/Berlin)

Why the Sense of Humour? Because I see ever more people very or too serious in the last times, in Second Life.

So I wonder, but, more, I’d like to find again, with you, that Humour, and Laughing too :D

So, if you have any Story of your second life that can help us to look for that Sense, you’re welcome (and also if you are too serious, a reason more!)

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