Arte e Mente Livestream Channel



The Daily Owl
Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet
Psicologia Online

WebPsych Partnership Member


nelle pagine dell'archivio si ritrova la storia di
Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet - Psicologia Online
ma anche la storia della psicologia italiana e mondiale in rete
dal 1996 al 2000
(i link alle pagine web o alle immagini possono risultare datati e dunque errati)

giovedì 20 marzo 2008

HIPIHI English Version for download: China has its SL

HiPiHi World is a 3D digital world as rich and complex as the real world, and is created, inhabited and owned by its residents.The residents are the Gods of this virtual world; it is a world of limitless possibilities for creativity and self-expression, within a complex social structure and a full functioning economy.

English version: download

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