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Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet - Psicologia Online
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mercoledì 19 settembre 2007

Caffe' Freud Bulletin

Caffe’ Freud - Group Bulletins

Caffe Freud Main Group
Posted by lapsus on 9/19/2007 12:55:32 PM

The ‘Caffe Freud’ is a group born in the August 2007, and its SL location is at Blackmount 40, 240.

It’s an open group, anyone can join the group, for all people interested, at any title, on Psychology, Psychotherapy, Mental Health and similar topics.

It has many seats:

the main one is at Blackmount 40, 240, the other ones are in Vienna (SL), Salzburg, and New York City Block.

Our meetings are usually at Blackmount, but occasionally we can move to other lands, as in the last and in the next one Sunday Meeting, 8 am PDT, that were and will be at Black Art, 249, 115, 91, the Healthcare Pavillons US, thanks to the hospitality of any1 Gynoid.

To this group, another one will be soon added: the ‘Balint SL’group, open to anyone is interested on online psychotherapy.

This group will meet at the date and hours that will be decided by its members, with me, after a dialog with all of them. Members are invited not to send any notice or voting proposals before this shared decision, and will focus on what happens to any member that is ‘active’ online as a psychologist, a psychoanalist, a medical doctor, a helper, on the web, and expecially on SL.

While the official language of the main group, Caffe Freud, is the English one, in the ‘Balint SL’ group it will be possible to speak other languages, like Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian when and if members agree, or in sub.groups.

This forum will function as our Bulletin Board for both the groups

Welcome and greetings to all of you :-)

Danilo Curci (SL Lapsus Weinstein)

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